Posted on 08 February 2011, 15:27 by:
Nashrakh Posted on 08 February 2011, 16:51 by:
southrim Score
Base +1, deuce22 +9, Haku Kagurazaka +10, MADARA-TAKA2 +1, yoshi245 +8, exia45 -7, oyole +5, Fearox +5, CPR +8, HabaneroJim +10, DragoZERO +8, Shadow_771 -8, Gitami -8, and 15 more...
Base +5, Maxsiu88pl +7, Haku Kagurazaka +10, Chit +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +1, Soroga +22, yoshi245 +8, exia45 +7, zheratul +6, HabaneroJim +9, oyole +5, prizokulos +8, Fearox +5, and 39 more...
Posted on 09 February 2011, 15:53 by:
MonMon19 Score
Base +3, oyole +5, Fearox +5, Deserex +6, Anae10 +5, ge hentai +21, arlene -7, Osgon -9, ArchetypE93 +3, popcorn99 -5, fired up -6, GarethMars -5, fireproofemu -5, and 5 more...
Posted on 10 February 2011, 01:06 by:
Jc1 Score
Base +10, oyole +5, Fearox +5, SpeedStar5 +6, theanticool +4, ArchetypE93 +3, popcorn99 +5, Crimsoncharcoal +7, rising11 +6, Hakrei +26, SugarCrack +6
Posted on 01 March 2012, 00:10 by:
LipLol Score
Base +10, ArchetypE93 +3, popcorn99 +5, EllincedeT -7
Posted on 07 June 2013, 19:09 by:
Aisu-kun Score
Base +1, reallycoolname +3, rotar zairo +5, Ooe Kintarou +1, Sandman_2806 +5, Astearic +11
Posted on 04 October 2014, 18:37 by:
Artimise Score
Base +6, GarethMars +5, Ooe Kintarou +1, i77 +6, EllincedeT +7, PinguPrin +6, Dorseen +7, SugarCrack +6