Posted on 10 February 2011, 00:43 by:
southrim Score
Base +7, BradRepko -12, xMx_BigBoss -7, zephoina -7, yoshi245 -8, Anonymous777 -7, Zentari2238 -7, PrivateEyes -5, Randomguy664 -9, Phuzy -8, m1SeRY -1, 6PUTOCTb -7, 87480 -7, and 16 more...
Posted on 09 February 2011, 10:02 by:
Yumyai Score
Base +1, zephoina +7, RakShine +9, Anonymous777 +7, NoNameNoBlame +26, Demon Dante +4, WolfXI +7, S3xta_Espada +1, TheAwakener +7, Dawnell_do +7, Yasuchika +6, runner555 +9, Nights002 +1, and 16 more...
Posted on 09 February 2011, 19:49 by:
Urmean15 Score
Base +8, m1SeRY -1, moniker22 +5, theblad +11, jacksonville +10, S3xta_Espada +1, Rengaku +8, Dawnell_do +7, Yasuchika +6, hybras +13, runner555 +9, Limited +6, LighthawkKnight +6, and 53 more...
Base +5, Demon Dante +4, S3xta_Espada -1, HabaneroJim -9, White Joker -9, UnholyFirestorm -6, Anonymous777 -8, Knocks -6, Flndy -4, SirKnightThomas -9, Hyoros -12, The Really Cool Guy -9, limehat7 -6
Base +12, S3xta_Espada -1, TheAwakener -7, sanjogahara -10, MKCyrax -5, White Joker -9, Knocks -6, Flndy -4, SirKnightThomas -9, TheEden -13, The Really Cool Guy -9
Base +3, Demon Dante +4, S3xta_Espada +1, TheAwakener +7, Dawnell_do +7, Nights002 +1, gillbates +2, sodmeva +5, SIMIXIS +7, ditama +8, keihirotan +7, rrschwenk +6
Posted on 10 February 2011, 05:05 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +6, S3xta_Espada +1, sodmeva +5, HabaneroJim +12, Knocks +2, SIMIXIS +7, keihirotan +7
Posted on 01 June 2011, 19:39 by:
delcogen Score
Base +4, chase.trans +1, SIMIXIS +7
Base +11, Knocks +2, SIMIXIS +7, Otaku_King +7, ditama +8, lastflower +8, keihirotan +7, DarioEmpio +2, ConvexEd +6, chanzy +8, rrschwenk +6, wdmanman +6, Flndy +4, and 9 more...
Base +8, Knocks +6, chanzy +9, Hyoros +12, limehat7 +6, The Really Cool Guy +9, Azriel_Satan +6, Ms. Black Fire#10018 +6