Base +6, RAGE1 +9, happyaznboy +6, ge hentai +21, hasanu +1, upsic +7, ViralVirus84 +7, Endykins +5, yuutakenshi +8, sigma25 +7, 絶通 原田 +10, lastflower +9, vuikinh +6, and 3 more...
Base +9, happyaznboy +6, ge hentai +21, zzNoGunzz +6, Valeria12345 +1, hasanu +1, upsic +7, RAGE1 +13, MasterOrinoko +5, ViralVirus84 +7, Oscuro +3, landlord +9, sentrin +10, and 8 more...
Base +7, ge hentai +21, RAGE1 +10, upsic +7, gethigher +10, ViralVirus84 +7, nowittycomment +6, sentrin +10, nokosan +4, snakenbacon +7, Endykins +5, sigma25 +7, 絶通 原田 +10, and 6 more...
Posted on 14 November 2012, 09:44 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +4, saiox +8, shimapandaa +3
Posted on 14 August 2013, 02:22 by:
Chaos1745 Score
Base +8, Dorseen +5
Base +6, Forgotten logic -8, Gtzgold +6