Yeah she is the most dynamic Final Fantasy girl ever, She wont get fucked by just anyone. It must be someone who can defeat her in a duel. most other FF girls seem to be just waiting to get raped. Remember FF7 Advent children when Tifa was almost sexually assaulted by the big guy who looks like a clone of maxima from King of fighters.
Anyway Claire Lightning F Is awesome that would never happen to her. I love the way she is 21 years old and not a 16 year old brat. And I love the way she treats that young twit Hope. -Like a damn rag doll, they say he was 14. Damn a lot of gamer-boys his age must have felt bad seeing that happen to someone their age. I am not too much for girl-power but in lightning's case I don't mind at all.
Can't wait for Lightning returns FF13, Bring it On!!!