I am definitely not into amputee sex. If I wanted to fap to limbless girls, I would fap to something that has no limbs to begin with. In addition, why the hell would these people draw their creations mutilated?
Thanks to these great Cauldron pics I discovered that I'm very interested in Acrotomophilia (wikipedia: from the Greek akron [extremity], tomein [to cut] and philein [to love], refers to a paraphilia in which an individual expresses strong sexual interest in amputees.) The gorgeous girls are clearly 100% apotemnophiles, having their first orgasms ever because their unwanted limbs have been removed. (wikipedia: Acrotomophilia is the counterpart to apotemnophilia, the sexual interest in being an amputee.) It seems to me that the acrotomophilic guys have their first real orgasms too in the Cauldron pics.
I hope Cauldron will go on with their Acrotomophilia series!