In order. For those who care, only the first six images were used in the ryona story, the rest are just extras with variations. Additionally, the website that was hosting the ryona story is no longer around. But for the sake of those who are interested, I'll give a brief run down from memory.
Image 1 - The monster pulls Sailor Venus (by her breast) high above the city. And the butterflies she controls keep Sailor Venus there. While also "playing" with her body.
Image 2 - The monster uses her butterflies to break Sailor Venus's spine.
Image 3 - The monster uses a vibrator on Sailor Venus.
Image 4 - The monster tears Sailor Venus's groin muscles, then orders numerous butterflies to stimulate her vagina.
Image 5 - The monster puts pressure on Sailor Venus's gut, which somehow makes her piss herself. (The story went into great detail about how embarrassed Sailor Venus was at this point)
Image 6 - The monster penetrates Sailor Venus with her morphing Scythe Arm. (apparently for hours, Sailor Venus's fate is left unknown)