It's the same artist [or at least one of the same artists] behind the TMNT Adventures series from Archie Comics, where Ninjara premiered. I loved her character from the series, and didn't even know this short continuation existed until pretty recently. I'd always hoped she'd come back someday, that they'd do more with her. Looking back now, though, it is a little funny that Archie comics added two fox girls to their mainstream comic book adaptations [TMNT and Sonic the Hedgehog]. I guess some editor had an itch to scratch over there.
While looking for these chapters I remember reading an article claiming that the explicit nudity and violence was unnecessary and dragged down the story. While I can see how it would appeal more to the underground furry scene, it doesn't add as much to the plot as the subplot of Ninjara's new daughter and the death of her husband from TMNT, and no doubt it prevents this interesting short series from being included in any further collection of TMNT books, denying fans of the character the chance to see her again beyond the mainstream series.