Posted on 14 May 2011, 03:13 by:
G Just G Base +7, Horofan -1, QSukebe +12, tarantella +5, Aoshi-Sama -8, Shinxix +9, primeemu16 +7, Wuffz +6, AlexUnknown -1, Beane +10, AnimeFanatic +11, Danikusu +9, HunterAce -7, and 10 more...
Posted on 14 May 2011, 11:15 by:
Shinyuu Score
Base +1, Moof22 +4, Baelfael -10, Horofan +1, 1234megapixel +6, Mant +11, Makoto1 +6, gengkun +9, ernie12 -9, Gui Cogo -16, banita -9, bagiaaa +10, Wuffz -6, and 11 more...
Base +9, Red of EHCOVE +33, Sherlockian +5, gengkun +9, hybras +17, Beane +9, IvanZ +3, Bamioum +5, Kyshatriya +7, Shinxix +9, S0B +15, primeemu16 +7, bagiaaa +10, and 14 more...
Posted on 28 June 2012, 20:59 by:
J_Howard Score
Base +10, Aoshi-Sama +8, MoonShine +9, Marisa Kirisame +8, Wuffz +6, AlexUnknown +6, Beane +10, blunt005 +6, Bigslam1993 +8, rubyhiro +7
Posted on 05 July 2012, 04:56 by:
ballcock Score
Base +3, Aoshi-Sama +8, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Kyshatriya -7, Shinxix +9, Halcko -5, Phonoi -8, Manx -10, banita +9, snakenbacon -7, AlexUnknown +1, GuroLover12 -8, zReen -9, and 5 more...
Base +6, AlexUnknown +1, Aoshi-Sama +9, bucket90 +5, guilhermephoda -7, Nuuskapeke +7, VitekLV +7, Spyderslicer +7, EllincedeT +4, The Inker +8, Drode +10, rubyhiro +7, HuffmanEightyNine +6
Base +1, HuffmanEightyNine +6
Posted on 22 January 2015, 20:02 by:
L3nggao Score
Base +6, Watsa +9, Bigslam1993 +8, GuroLover12 -10, Spyderslicer -7, wawa1411 +7, Tantalus7 -4, tarantella -8, nosohelpfulguy -5, ezequiell -8, Hawlc +6, Superasil -8, rubyhiro -7, and 1 more...
Base +7, Tantalus7 +4, Superasil +8, rubyhiro +7
Base +3, VitekLV +7, GuroLover12 +10, Spyderslicer +7, wawa1411 -7, EllincedeT +4, Tantalus7 +4, tarantella +8, Superasil +8, Beane +7, mickl3 +6, SRK Yun +15, HuffmanEightyNine +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 30 September 2017, 13:49 by:
lolgay2 Score
Base +8, FappyKitty -5, Superasil -8, rubyhiro -7, HuffmanEightyNine -6