Base +12, ricardo_01 -4, Mageta -10, AvalonSummit +2, Crext -5, Baseballbat boy -7, Sushilicious +27, pika007 -7, nww +2, Lakota -5, JohnDoeB -2, lionsroar89 +7, MonzMay +3, and 3 more...
Base +17, Mageta +10, Deserex +7, Crext +5, Sushilicious +27, redx666 +6, FishingForTeeth +4, JohnDoeB +2, Diablo +10, MonzMay +3, titoloco -7, Coki23 +6, Net Imp +8, and 1 more...
Base +13, Mageta +10, shotgun987 +7, Deserex +7, Baseballbat boy -7, Sushilicious +27, lionsroar89 -7, titoloco -7, Oddball -6, silentspring +8, Hanatake Yurii -10, tobeunforgiven2 +13
Posted on 16 May 2011, 18:36 by:
Sarik Score
Base +1, Sushilicious +27, titoloco -7, MonzMay -6, silentspring +8
Base +4, MonzMay -3, Oddball +6, silentspring +8, TipsyDips1 +1
Base +1, mowgli78 +6, JohnDoeB +2, MonzMay +3, Oddball +6, silentspring +8
Posted on 28 August 2011, 22:31 by:
Mue Score
Base +10, JohnDoeB +2, revered3 +4, MonzMay +3, titoloco +7, silentspring +8
Base +9, MonzMay +3, Oddball +6, silentspring +8