"The quiet and peaceful life inside the Ōoku, a female-only section of ancient Edo castle in which women connected to the Shogun reside, is suddenly shattered when the demoness known as the Kuchisake-onna mercilessly assaults its residents. Will the brave and honorable members of the Hino-Banshu led by the Midaidokoro ward off this attack? ...or will they fall to the Kuchisake-onna's superhuman abilities?"
Artist and author: Rabbit or I-Rabi? @ rabbit_cb.web.fc2.com/top_menu.html Translated by: The Elegant Succubus @ elegantsuccubus.blogspot.com/2010/02/translation-kuchisake-onna-with-ooku.html?zx=3811bc6e798598f3