What a great set! Hornet really made an awesome work here; the artwork is excellent, Maya looks simply delicious I can't stop watch pic after pic; the action is really hot and a bit fetishistic too, I prefer her tight white dress but the college uniform isn't bad; the only bad thing here is the really, REALLY heavy censorShit, a bit less and this would be epic. As a side note, I'd like also to see Mikaze (human "peasant form). Hornet why don't you do at least 2 sets for her?
Final Call: Download or Die.
Note: Why this awesome series has so few stuff on stock? It had potential....
Not bad at all, but not my cup of tea, this art style. I feel they failed to capture her face properly. The original face is very beautiful and makes all the difference in the character's overall appearance.
Base +4, Grayson88 -5, Paptimus Scirocco -6, Negative Man -15