Synopsis: The MC and girl bump into each other. She loses her memory. She was about to leave when the virgin otaku tells her nervously that they're in "that" kind of relationship. He shows her some anime hentai or erogame. He manages to get her to have sex with him. She says: "I'm definitely going to remember... anh an ha this... because it feels.. so good" After they have sex, the guy goes to cook something for her. During the time he spends in the kitchen, she gains back her memory and loses the memories during the time with him. She wonders why she's there and leaves the house. The MC all psyched up about his relationship comes back to the room and is sad. A few days later, she comes back to his door. The MC is surprised and the girl says "It's weird, but somehow I felt I should be here". The MC is happy and asks if she wants to come in. She says "Zehi" which roughly translates to "please let me". Happy End.(kinda?)
I love this artist because most of his work involve a relationship that becomes kinda vanilla, but not too vanilla. It kind have some messed up parts, but it's always kind of a happy end for all parties involved.
@shimacrow, this is because most japanese otakus/men have a kind of depreciating view of themselves. They can relate better to the MC that way even if their looks isn't really half bad.