Base +4, Ashvinoth +1, yoyo546 +11, hgbdd +28, Coloris +15, +10, S3xta_Espada +1, wakkawalla +9, Oriana_Thomson +4, BabyAnon +11, -=Lord=- +6, tentacle-man61 +20, Koroshi +4, and 6 more...
Base +14, +10, S3xta_Espada +1, tentacle-man61 +16, TitsMcgee23232323 +7, wakkawalla +9, Oriana_Thomson +4, Sherlockian +7, The Dream Chaser +7, happyaznboy +9, Abuelito -1, Refon_S +9, jaidendeck +9, and 3 more...
Posted on 13 June 2011, 07:59 by:
cemex Score
Base +15, S3xta_Espada +1, tentacle-man61 +16, Oriana_Thomson +4, XxRecyclexX +6, e6000 +7, Abuelito -1, Stonka +2
Base +26, S3xta_Espada +1, tentacle-man61 +16, Oriana_Thomson +4, Abuelito -1, cm4000 +6
Posted on 15 June 2011, 02:48 by:
ioctl Score
Base +8, S3xta_Espada +1, tentacle-man61 +16, Oriana_Thomson +4, happyaznboy +9, Abuelito -1, Budda001 +6, IceFish +6, cm4000 +6
Base +5, tentacle-man61 +20, happyaznboy +9, Abuelito -1, bagiaaa +11
Base +1, tentacle-man61 +20, XxRecyclexX +6, jaidendeck +10, Abuelito -1, cm4000 +6
Base +7, Koroshi -4, XxRecyclexX -6, protospork -9, fxd001 +3, zzdeathscythezz -9, e6000 -7, afabledhero -4, Stonka -2, Theblackfenrir -1, Vermiurge -5, DragonLo -6, ijwtp -7, and 2 more...