i get that feeling also, but his last post of this works are on 27/03/2011 (pg 19-20), and judging by his post take 3-5 day for every 2 post, so either he already finish or just stop post, either way translation could give better understanding.
Story seems to be the girl is a noble and guy is the "help"... he proposed to her in the past and she accepted, but it's likely a vow of marriage type deal.
In the present, she's married to some old dude, who makes her do naughty things for his amusement. Though she likes it, of course! The guy is forced to watch her have sex with the old dude and his friends. The girl seems to still care for him, but only time will tell with more pages.
I'm guessing she'll get pregnant (likely not by the guy) and end up with the guy in the end.