Posted on 27 June 2011, 07:49 by:
omfglol Score
Base +9, Obsucurus +7, TouhouPairings +4, gengkun +9, Uchiha Madara 5 +17, ABC DEF +9, m42a +12, samm1e1 +11, rockstardo +5, Drpepperfan +9, somesomebody12 -4, ranoya +6, Trabbins +4, and 1 more...
Posted on 27 June 2011, 10:23 by:
marc455 Score
Base +1, Dydelhaert +8, CxHxA +6, TouhouPairings +4, Shibun +8, shinkenn -6, precia +8, twentyasterisk -4, D u b b y +9, Uchiha Madara 5 +17, Feonax +10, ABC DEF +9, hatsue21 +4, and 26 more...
Base +1, Dydelhaert +8, CxHxA +6, TouhouPairings +4, Shibun +8, shinkenn -6, twentyasterisk -4, Uchiha Madara 5 +17, Feonax +10, Zelinko +9, ABC DEF +9, hatsue21 +4, timeclock +9, and 32 more...
Posted on 28 June 2011, 21:11 by:
cucuy Score
Base +4, CGrascal -10, cjm +9, Uchiha Madara 5 -17, ABC DEF +9, AZM009 -8, Easy Baby +3, glasnost +10, somesomebody12 -4, pokgai -7, Luuuk -5, Trabbins -4
Base +11, Uchiha Madara 5 +17, ABC DEF +9, somesomebody12 -4, ranoya +6, Trabbins +4
Base +5, Zakuzelo -5, Uchiha Madara 5 -17, ABC DEF +9, FireShark -10, AncientPhoenix +8, Zelinko +12, zimsthe -8, Garogag +6, lansquenete +8, Tovarich1 +5, cm4000 +6, heh...narto +6, and 5 more...
Base +7, Zelinko +9, ABC DEF +9, hatsue21 +4, Zakuzelo +6, Riposte +7, amuass +8, TrappedInAmber +6, samm1e1 +11, rockstardo +5, NoNameNoBlame +24, Drpepperfan +9, The Inker -9, and 15 more...
Posted on 01 February 2013, 19:22 by:
Bamioum Score
Base +7, Zelinko +12, amuass +8, TrappedInAmber +6, timeclock +10, rockstardo +5, QofLife +7, Drpepperfan +9, The Inker -9, lansquenete +8, colBoh +5, cm4000 +6, somesomebody12 -4, and 7 more...
Posted on 28 May 2015, 09:53 by:
zenith45 Score
Base +6, Arhimondex +7, dickliker420 +6, cm4000 +6, heh...narto +6, somesomebody12 -4, SovetskayaRossi +6, HitmanPAC +6, ranoya +6, sable1 +22, Trabbins +4, Akin +16, kenabrxg +17, and 6 more...
Last edited on 11 October 2016, 19:36.
Base +1, ranoya +6, Trabbins +4