Kurogane Pukapuka Tai is a World War Two yuri comedy manga series following the exploits of the fictional Imperial Japanese Navy commerce raiding cruiser Unebi — which is entirely crewed by women except for the captain (who does nothing but drink tea, tend his bonsai, and sleep, it seems). They encounter a German U-boat, the U-800, also crewed entirely by women, and a British destroyer, the HMS Cutlass, commanded by women; most of the women appear to be exclusively interested in the other women. - TvTropes
I was enjoying it until they decided to depict the Royal Australian Navy as a group of smug cowards. Guess the mangaka doesn't like how the RAN handed the Imperial Japanese Navy her arse starting around 1942. And how even before then, the RAN absolutely never backed down, even when outgunned and outnumbered and when sailing WW1 vintage ships.
Something I never really understood, why bother putting battleship caliber (though by the 1930s 12in/305cm barely counts as capital ship caliber but that's beside the point) on commence raiders? The German Deutschland-class cruisers were more of a political statement than anything else (ships with capital ship features to let the world know that they are a great power again). They don't have the armor for any kind of stand up fight, and for fighting against merchant ships & escorts capital ship guns are overkill (while taking up valuable space & tonnage).