Mochidzuki Renta is an aspiring college student, trying to support himself while studying for the entrance exam of his preferred school. He's started renting the spare room in the Hanano bath house. What this means is that he's living with the sweet, hardworking, innocent, and quite beautiful Bandai Sakurako, who runs the bathhouse.
They are growing to like each other more and more, but one thing could potentially sabotage their budding romance. Every other woman Renta meets, even his college entrance cram school teacher, seems desperate to get in his pants. And Renta meets a fair amount of women, since the girls from the dorm of the nearby nursing school often come to the bathhouse. Will Renta be able to deflect the unwanted attentions of all those women in order to pursue a relationship with Sakurako?
This translation is making my head spin to be honest, half the time i am confused over what it going on and what they are saying. Really hard to follow.
Base +8, wocle +7, Sushilicious +28, The Noodles +5, Celtic_emperor +4, Reson +6, Gorm +6, Poliana +6, TCJJ +6