Base +9, Red_Vodka +5, nowhere_man -8, Vanndril +6, Lippe +7, Giono +9, Ragingblaze +7, Emophia +5, Fakeplastic +7, marched +8, elwendys +2, sunshineandlolipops +15
Posted on 08 July 2011, 19:28 by:
Doafw Score
Base +7, Red_Vodka -5, psymon2 -8, Sinturon -7, Absolute_Jushin -6, BlueDye -4, Faon +5, nowhere_man +8, leddis4 -1, hklkf200553 -7, Uniformer +1, Vanndril -6, poep -7, and 13 more...
Posted on 08 July 2011, 21:31 by:
Zakuzelo Score
Base +5, marched -8, Azorthezorzor +6
Posted on 09 July 2011, 07:23 by:
deadsx Score
Base +5, Vanndril +6, Ragingblaze +7, sameo15 +2, Gentleman Chimera +2, Zolnerowich +7, sunshineandlolipops +15, Romi the Byzantine +7
Base +1, Red_Vodka -5, nowhere_man +8, Lippe -6, Uniformer +1, Vanndril -6, poep -7, Ragingblaze -7, marched -8, Gentleman Chimera -2, sunshineandlolipops -15
Base +9, Vanndril +6, Giono +9, Ragingblaze +7, sameo15 +2, Gentleman Chimera +2
Posted on 15 July 2011, 18:25 by:
ZeoUnit Score
Base +7, Vanndril +6, Ragingblaze +7, Emophia +5, marched +8, sunshineandlolipops +15
Posted on 27 July 2011, 16:05 by:
Scumlord Score
Base +1, saintcdzxd -8, nukes +6, marched +8, Gentleman Chimera +6, sunshineandlolipops +15
Posted on 01 August 2011, 05:10 by:
Laeron Score
Base +6
Posted on 28 February 2013, 15:12 by:
Rikko00 Score
Base +1, SaittaMicus +18, Emophia -5, dersied -9, ninja88880 +7, huge goddamn dork -3, sameo15 +2, marched -8, The_Minotaur -6, Azorthezorzor +6
Base +50, sunshineandlolipops +15