Base +5, masquepiph +39, blagblag +6, hamstereater -6, leopark +9, hrrly +8, gildarts03 +5, Enki17 +8, B10hazard +1, aiwotorimodose +6, -=Lord=- +6, sradu86 +4, Generika +9, and 10 more...
Posted on 23 July 2011, 15:21 by:
haaki Score
Base +1, leopark +9, gildarts03 +5, B10hazard +1, sradu86 +4, liberius +6, Sukarn0 +6
Base +7, Toushin +17, leopark +9, gildarts03 +5, B10hazard +1, sradu86 +4, scrappy135 +8, tobeunforgiven2 +13, karavanrob +13
Base +15, out_of_lj +4, sradu86 +4, yaoiboi +1, scrappy135 +8, popcorn99 +6, shinangels +9, Melez +12, Greedwell +7, malikski +3, yadua +7, liberius +6, as102 +9, and 2 more...
Base +5, sradu86 -4, supyloco -8, scrappy135 +8, ladiesman4427 +6, malikski +3, tobeunforgiven2 +13
Base +30, TheGoodGiggle +5, Hyoros +15
Base +5, ladiesman4427 -6, malikski -2
Posted on 23 January 2018, 03:10 by:
pedifily Score
Base +8, Hyoros -14, jere512 -6, KingLego +5