Posted on 02 December 2010, 05:30 by:
thanos243 Score
Base +1, anymon -8, DiedrichVK -5, ABC DEF +9, AhlyValkyrie -7, Dydelhaert -9, 6PUTOCTb -11, Ragnakor -6, das3122 -7, S-One -3, Haborym -7, gilver13 -6
Posted on 15 December 2010, 20:05 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +6, ABC DEF +9, DiedrichVK +5, gengkun +10, Ragnakor +7, l337t3r +5, Dydelhaert +9, Donnachaidh +7, Fishington +7, PUNCHING PEOPLE +6, ExecutorBill +8, riven1234 +2, miki fujiwara +3, and 8 more...
Base +4, DiedrichVK +5, ABC DEF +9, Ragnakor +7, Dydelhaert +9, Fishington +7, Cola3232 +19, dementio +7, Bananawallpaper +8, das3122 +7, friocasa +7, jfragrettel +7, obscurity1337 -6, and 4 more...
Base +7, jzc136 +6, dickliker420 +8, tomoki18 +6, thecronosone +6, Vivi1993 +9, Wosh +7, jfragrettel +7, tapaleurre +6, as102 +9, S-One +3
Base +1, Doctor Hello -5, Dyaus Pita +7, miki fujiwara +3, MyOpinionIsRight -4
Base +9, thecronosone +6, hohhoi +6, das3122 +3, miki fujiwara +3, jfragrettel +7, PC-Reviver +10, as102 +9, Anosaphia +6, S-One +3
Posted on 05 September 2014, 21:16 by:
Solipsist Score
Base +5, pico-kun +5
Base +43, MyOpinionIsRight +4
Posted on 23 October 2024, 08:14 by:
otooi Score
Last edited on 02 November 2024, 02:32.
Base +6