Base +16, zerosky +6, casurin +8, ExGasper +6, Cadavrus +4, NAD825 +1, Fullmetal_Hylian +6, Phil_McGee +6, Zero Angel +28, Black Hawk +6, jgoo1 +7, Maximum_Joe +16, KillzonX +4, and 20 more...
Posted on 27 July 2011, 03:53 by:
kingwolf Score
Base +16, Phil_McGee +6, Zero Angel +28, Black Hawk +6, jgoo1 +7, Maximum_Joe +16, hentaicabbit +9, KillzonX +4, nightmarelord +7, Incest1234 +6, observer1980 +14, neckbreak +8, robertsaltin +6, and 10 more...
Base +8, Phil_McGee +6, Zero Angel +28, Black Hawk +6, jgoo1 +7, hentaicabbit +9, nightmarelord +7, Incest1234 +6, observer1980 +14, neckbreak +8, robertsaltin +6, Maximum_Joe +25, Jidai +9, and 8 more...
Base +4, Blazing01 +6, Dorseen +2, Wolf15 +5
Base +4, Dorseen +2, oneiwonder +7, Wolf15 +5
Base +6, Hello my name is +6, Blazing01 +6, Dorseen +2, oneiwonder +7, Wolf15 +5, 1qazqaz +6