Kanji Title: 俺の彼女が堕ちるまでに Romaji Title: Ore no Kanojo Ga Ochiru Made Ni English Title: Until My Girlfriend Falls to Depravity Studio: Meiousei Presents (冥王星Presents) Censorship: Censored Game Background: Makoto (You) was attacked by a thug on the way home with your girlfriend, Misuzu. The thug manages to kidnapped Misuzu and escaped to an abandoned building. Believing that they're alone and safe, he proceeded to rape Misuzu. Makoto must find and rescue his girlfriend before she is broken by rapes and succumbs to sexual depravity.
Note 1: This is the complete HCG rip of the flash game, there are no characters models/stands.
Added a torrent for this. For the torrent I've also included the original videos (.flv file) of the animated gifs. Also for some reason the archive is smaller than the listed 59.47 MB size, but it is the complete gallery + the mention videos.
Base +11, Sushilicious +28, kirbowshi +8, Zero Angel +29, Votum +7, devianto +2