Posted on 04 August 2011, 01:00 by:
Goatass Base +1, Satoshi。。。 +9, tentacle-man61 +20, AG-w +5, 20boners +7, hekko +5, somethingperson +5, Fran4353 -7, IxFa +6, Eric2315 +3
Posted on 04 August 2011, 06:20 by:
Mr. Lolz Score
Base +5, tentacle-man61 +20, Pafrog -10, 20boners +7, Chips Handon -6, Fran4353 -7
Posted on 04 August 2011, 09:11 by:
Shirihina Score
Base +5, tentacle-man61 +20, CountDuku +1, Pafrog -10, HodorHodor +6, Traze +6, 20boners +7, Fran4353 -7, Doctormoo117 +6, smerchrockets +6, diverseSyst +1, SkellyMang +2, Person8 -7
Base +12, MezzoDragon -10, _Cookiezi_ +1, tentacle-man61 -20, hyunkell01 +6, Keyne +10, MikuJess +8, spepapu +11, CountDuku +1, zeroxdash +9, Pafrog +10, Traze +6, 20boners +7, and 16 more...
Posted on 23 August 2013, 13:05 by:
Lement Score
Base +19, 20boners +7, The Inker -7, Fran4353 -7, smerchrockets +6, bentonfalls +6
Posted on 13 June 2020, 20:07 by:
LifeSick Score
Base +6, Person8 -7