Base +3, guy11 +7, CPR +8, Sushilicious +28, Zero Angel +29, Urmean15 +8, Uchiha Madara 5 +16, Mikegamer +6, Flaphinfluff +1, Xcel +6, swaelito +11, Lakota +9, Chinro +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 12 August 2011, 17:03 by:
MB007 Score
Base +8, Flaphinfluff -1, Xcel +6, QSukebe +11, BlickWinkel -7, NailB -15, oneforce -6, Palaxius +7, rowaasr13 -8, Ryuzito -8, Demosthenes -11, mirukku -9, Chamma -5, and 4 more...
Base +7, Atmoz +6, Chamma +5, Yossarian762 +6, Sekai seifuku +3, Acerola +10, Skand +9, lolgay2 +8, Darksword696 +8, chaz831 +6, pupss97162 +11, TCJJ +9
Base +6, mightysage -6, Chamma -5, lasertym -32, Pillowgirl -18, Rouge・ -30, Alaephant -2, srock8994 -6, Orion9137 -11