Posted on 28 July 2010, 03:14 by:
Malcore Score
Base +1, RoyM +1, mys_721tx +1, matalo +5, Kevy Kev +6, zachary2345 +6, General Slaughter +3, snakefishxxx +4, tahk +6, Elvaleryn +1, Sushilicious +27, h3intz -7, tracingthelines +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 09 December 2010, 20:31 by:
Skwisgarr Score
Base +6, zachary2345 +6, zapdos55555 +5, tahk +6, ArchAngelrc +6, Elvaleryn +1, Sushilicious +27, hoobojeo +7, destructorspace +11, king king rex +8, h3intz -8
Posted on 11 April 2011, 18:18 by:
(sic) Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +27, hoobojeo +7, destructorspace +11, king king rex +8, Spacewarp +8, h3intz -8, Ultima Dragon +11
Posted on 11 April 2011, 18:35 by:
VaryEx Score
Base +4, hoobojeo +7, Sushilicious +27, h3intz -8, Ultima Dragon +11
Base +9, dukenukem3d -4, ArchAngelrc -6, Elvaleryn -1, Sushilicious +27, shkal -1, h3intz -7, tracingthelines -6, no-name here -8, Kold +7, undersizeskate -7, hujiko555 -9, king king rex +8, and 6 more...
Base +5, king king rex +8, h3intz -8, Seiphied -6, sorrowborn -6, caveman84 -6, Ultima Dragon +11, fudragon146 -6