Base +9, necrotechian +7, Blue Star +7, Exobiologo +5, sonichuCWC +2, Chaco +7, Temperature Critical +9, kawatori +5, M1jama +5, redreader +1, Limited +5, wakkawalla +7, MegaGalvatron +7, and 415 more...
Base +2, Limited +5, gethigher +1, Attila13 +3, Seiharu +1, jkezer -4, AndyTheBomb -6, tsbaron +6, El Pirato +7, nightmarelord +6, m3nd3z +6, Dawnell_do +7, nww +1, and 42 more...
Base +2, jamjam1234 -3, Attila13 -3, jkezer -4, tsbaron +6, m3nd3z +6, Dawnell_do +7, nightmarelord +7, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, and 29 more...
Base +2, Attila13 +3, jkezer -4, AndyTheBomb +6, tsbaron +6, m3nd3z +6, Dawnell_do +7, nww +1, Kristoph Gavin +5, necrotechian +8, khouini2 +1, nightmarelord +7, ge hentai +21, and 46 more...
Base +7, jkezer -4, AndyTheBomb +6, tsbaron +6, m3nd3z +6, Dawnell_do +7, nightmarelord +6, nww +1, Kristoph Gavin +5, necrotechian +8, saintQ +3, vago4fun +5, Raidus +10, and 54 more...
Base +1, jkezer -4, AndyTheBomb +6, tsbaron +6, m3nd3z +6, Dawnell_do +7, nightmarelord +7, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, rottenfromthecore +4, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, and 30 more...
Base +5, Dawnell_do +7, jkezer -4, nightmarelord +6, nww +1, khouini2 +1, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, Ciej +7, masterwanker +1, and 23 more...
Base +7, Dawnell_do +7, nightmarelord +6, The ZMP +1, khouini2 +1, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, Ciej +7, masterwanker +1, Black Dynamite +28, and 18 more...
Base +3, khouini2 +1, nightmarelord +7, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, jkezer -10, Ciej +7, masterwanker -1, Bamioum +4, Black Dynamite +28, and 18 more...
Posted on 01 January 2011, 03:43 by:
Diesel01 Score
Base +2, khouini2 +1, nightmarelord +7, ge hentai +21, observer1980 +13, rottenfromthecore +4, TheFishRat +2, Sushilicious +28, hexarcadia +9, jkezer -10, Ciej +7, masterwanker +1, Black Dynamite +28, and 19 more...
Posted on 26 April 2011, 05:02 by:
heshang Score
Base +6, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, globits +5, cichy133 +13, 666Baecker666 +6, 冰灵希 +2, blunt005 +6, sweetflan +1, and 5 more...
Base +1, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, Dai_dat +5, Qwertius +2, somercet +14
Base +2, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, forcedregsucks -3, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, furrylicker +4, sweetflan +1, somercet +14
Posted on 28 August 2011, 14:57 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +28, Bamioum +4, tri_dead_91489 +7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines +9, Maxsteele +7, hachimu +6, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 -30, bagiaaa -10, Sucker4Boobs +6
Posted on 28 August 2011, 15:40 by:
zebas Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +28, tri_dead_91489 +7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, somercet +14
Base +7, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, Bane13 +22, somercet -6
Base +5, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +31, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, tadpolegaming +6, somercet +14
Posted on 28 August 2011, 17:01 by:
hisoj Score
Base +7, Sushilicious +28, Bamioum +4, tri_dead_91489 -7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, AnswerIsAlwayMiata +5, somercet +14
Base +20, Sushilicious +28, tri_dead_91489 +7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, somercet +14
Posted on 29 August 2011, 00:38 by:
Recipient Score
Base +6, Sushilicious +28, Bamioum +4, tri_dead_91489 +7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, john34404 +8, Inconspicuous user -8, Bane13 +30, and 1 more...
Base +7, Sushilicious +28, LeifGram +6, jaylou1010 +8, Andate -7, danixxx +30, IntarwebzFTW +6, ecallawkune +7, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, YXCSD +4, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 -30, and 2 more...
Base +7, Sushilicious +28, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, furrylicker +4, somercet +6
Base +5, Sushilicious +28, Bamioum +4, tri_dead_91489 +7, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, Bane13 -30, pureyang +20, sweetflan +1, merzkyi +8, alexverge +11
Posted on 31 August 2011, 00:49 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +28, Bamioum +4, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines +9, Maxsteele +7, prote +1, Tawp15 -8, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Nyax1 -5, pureyang +20, and 7 more...
Posted on 08 November 2011, 07:14 by:
casurin Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +31, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, Qwertius +2, somercet +9, idiotwithacomputer +6
Posted on 10 November 2011, 19:31 by:
Pufik Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, forcedregsucks -3, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, somercet +14
Posted on 14 November 2011, 21:32 by:
Iread Score
Base +7, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, TVGuru1234 -6, somercet +14
Base +3, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +31, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, somercet +14
Posted on 21 December 2011, 03:40 by:
farticus Score
Base +1, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, somercet +14
Base +10, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, forcedregsucks -3, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Bloodrose754 +6, sweetflan +1, LeafyIsNotHere -6, somercet +14
Posted on 13 January 2012, 03:01 by:
LD0ne Score
Base +11, tri_dead_91489 -7, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, tracingthelines +9, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian -10, Bane13 +30
Posted on 28 March 2012, 06:47 by:
trex3000 Score
Base +5, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Bloodrose754 +6, somercet +6, tadpolegaming +6, Kadatherow +6
Base +4, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Maxsteele +7, necrotechian +10, forcedregsucks -3, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Bloodrose754 +6, sweetflan +1, knucklesluigi +7, somercet +9, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 April 2012, 05:13 by:
suun02 Score
Base +1, jaylou1010 +8, danixxx +30, Sushilicious +31, Maxsteele +7, Bane13 +30, Qwertius -2, somercet +9
Base +5, tracingthelines +9, Maxsteele +7, Bane13 +30, Nyax1 +5, AkaiKurai +7, 冰灵希 +2, sweetflan +1, FarkyMac +7, Qwertius +2, somercet +9, budgieboi +6, tadpolegaming +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 17 August 2012, 05:33 by:
t4t4 Score
Base +5, Maxsteele +8, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Bloodrose754 +6, rockarolla +4, sweetflan +1, somercet +14
Base +4, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, furrylicker +4, sweetflan +1
Base +5, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, sweetflan +1, TheBrojangles +6, alexverge +12, somercet +14
Base +9, tracingthelines +9, Maxsteele +7, Bane13 +30, furrylicker +4, NymChimpsky +2, sweetflan +1, somercet +9
Base +3, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele +7, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, simplesimon32 +20, overcast -6, stabbybelkar +7, TheBrojangles -6, Faulks +7, Qwertius +2, somercet +9, LunalaTranslations +6
Base +9, tracingthelines -9, Maxsteele -7, Delendor -10, Murderbot +9, Bane13 -30, Xion Rabbit +5, neckbreak +9, pureyang +20, dawatched +7, Palaxius +33, sweetflan +1, merzkyi +8, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 March 2013, 05:16 by:
Kalezian Score
Base +8, Maxsteele +8, AGoodTime +5, Bane13 +30, Bloodrose754 +6, rockarolla +4, furrylicker +4, GrandpaWorm +6, sweetflan +1, TheBrojangles +6, Soap347 +6, jose1999 +6, Qwertius +2, and 4 more...
Base +18, Bane13 +30, furrylicker +4, sweetflan +1, jose1999 +6, Qwertius +2
Posted on 06 March 2014, 22:03 by:
Leksi Score
Base +2, Bane13 +30, OnlyMyRail -1, somercet +9
Base +7, stabbybelkar +7, glvdtr +11, somercet +14
Base +6, GarethMars +6, sweetflan +1, Corruptio Ultima +6, reggmail +6, TheBrojangles +6, TripleTea +1, rockarolla +6, treetrunks +6, alexverge +12
Posted on 10 August 2022, 08:03 by:
幽幽谷逸林? Score
Base +1, liu960705 +6, 米娜桑ぁ +6, maxv1228 +5
Base +1, liyilin1433223 +2
Base +5, linkfai +6, PenthusMal +6, calvin1514 +7, Civil_Tomato_Enjoyer +5
Posted on 23 August 2023, 10:05 by:
Slifer83 Score
Base +6
Posted on 16 November 2023, 15:34 by:
kochu6 Score
Base +5
Posted on 04 June 2024, 01:51 by:
13rucell Score
Base +6, Civil_Tomato_Enjoyer -5