Posted on 28 August 2011, 19:00 by:
Zakuzelo Score
Base +5, Sushilicious +28, iliekmudkips -1, shinkenn -7, fine17 +2, Adrin +7, paradocks +8, snakenbacon +5, LOLSpark1 +6, tentacle-man61 +19, the dru one +8, Trucidation +6, Sherlockian +7, and 12 more...
Base +4, Runty -8, Taihenna -1, paradocks -8, Secundus -7, Randallsilver -2, LOLSpark1 -6, Shadow_771 +11, Ryuu_Style -9, sesshomaru133 -10, Artimise -6, FireShark -7, Faceless Male -2, and 1 more...
Base +3, Runty +8, fine17 +2, tentacle-man61 +19, Shadow_771 +11, Ryuu_Style +9, sesshomaru133 +10, papermustang +4
Posted on 29 August 2011, 13:22 by:
nrevolve Score
Base +7, tentacle-man61 +19, Sherlockian +7, sesshomaru133 +10, Hezard +6, Trucidation +7