I read this manga when I was in primary school, well, almost twenty years ago and this is the first time I ever saw doujin of this manga (actaully, of this mangaka). I AM THRILLED!! Why now I wonder.
Randomguy664: The woman is a parasyte, in the manga she copulates with another "male human" parasite out of curiosity - hence the child. In the manga she also dies (gets shot by the cops) protecting the child - on this doujin the chubby guy with a parasyte in his neck defeats the cops and saves her.
In the manga she's kind of unique, being a parasyte interested in things humans do rather than just randomly waltzing around and killing/eating people.
Oh wow a Parasyte doujin... I can remember reading this series in the small monthly Viz anthologies back when I was in school some 15+ years ago. Ahh memories! I do believe this is the first parasyte i have ever read.
I would have never imagined a Parasyte doujin to come in existence. I gotta say, I enjoyed the manga a long time ago, but to see this- I think this is the first doujin of this manga I've ever seen. Is this the first? I guess people were getting tired of doing doujins of the same manga's so now they're going after underrated and lesser known mangas? Maybe. I always made a joke with this manga to lol. Go figure the main character's best friend ends up being his right hand (Or was it left?).
This was one of the late Tokyopops first translations there was also talk of a movie at one point too,seeing this makes me wonder if there are any other barely knowm Parasyte doujins from the time the story was first published out there.Many thanks to the scanner and poster,now all we need is a translation.