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Futanari Rin - The Tale of Rin's suffering (Fate/Stay)


Artist CG
Posted:2011-09-04 19:40
File Size:8.44 MiB
Length:101 pages
Favorited:11 times
Average: 1.74

Showing 1 - 40 of 101 images

Posted on 04 September 2011, 19:40 by:   DarkSpooky    PM
Uploader Comment
These come from the homepage of an artist called Sisak, which can be found here:

He takes his stuff on and off his site at times though, so better grab any of his stuff you like before it's gone :).

Sisak doesn't do only pictures though, he does a mix of pictures and fanfic. Since it's not like I can post the original HTML pages or anything, I've made pics where I've added the original pics to the left and then the text-part from the pic/fanfic mix to the right. You're supposed to read the image(s) to the left first (which are read in the traditional japanese way - from right to left) and then the text on the right. This is because the original webpages starts with (usually) the title and a picture at the top and then goes on with text, pictures, text and so forth as you scroll down. For those of you who aren't interested in the "storypages", the picures without the accompanying story-parts are still there further into the gallery. Enjoy!

PS: Of my six collections of sisak-stuff that has been upoaded two of'em, this being one of the two, hasn't been properly tagged as sisak yet. Thus, I'd like to ask people to properly tag it sisak. :)
Posted on 28 August 2011, 13:17 by:   Anonymous777    PM
Score +19
If only the art was better...
Posted on 29 August 2011, 11:42 by:   sazanami_teddy    PM
Score +17
i couldnt exactly tell from the thumbnail, but amn the art is ughhh it would be better if the art was better
Posted on 29 August 2011, 22:58 by:   mfcds    PM
Score +13
Funny how you call 'this thing' art. I only see a bunch of scribbles made in Microsoft Paint.
Posted on 06 September 2011, 08:22 by:   narach    PM
Score +18
While the drawings may lack in some detail and fine processing, they show consistency and familiar use of form. Just because you think it looks bad doesn't mean it isn't art or competent drawings with subpar tools.

I like the roughness of this and different oekaki art as well.
Posted on 21 September 2013, 19:02 by:   aaaa1111a    PM
Score +1
GOD DAMN IT! wtffffff

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