These come from the homepage of an artist called Sisak, which can be found here:
He takes his stuff on and off his site at times though, so better grab any of his stuff you like before it's gone :).
Sisak doesn't do only pictures though, he does a mix of pictures and fanfic. Since it's not like I can post the original HTML pages or anything, I've made pics where I've added the original pics to the left and then the text-part from the pic/fanfic mix to the right. You're supposed to read the image(s) to the left first (which are read in the traditional japanese way - from right to left) and then the text on the right. This is because the original webpages starts with (usually) the title and a picture at the top and then goes on with text, pictures, text and so forth as you scroll down. For those of you who aren't interested in the "storypages", the picures without the accompanying story-parts are still there further into the gallery. Enjoy!
PS: Would people mind adding the tags "lock on" and "niko kurihara" to this one? :)