Base +12, pocky00 +20, Cadavrus +4, fine17 +2, jeren_sky +3, DevilsAdvocate +6, Sushilicious +28, RoyalGuard128 +7, (sic) +9, ABC DEF +9, Moe Zayik +24, Kurolegacy +7, tentacle-man61 +17, and 15 more...
Base +4, Sushilicious +28, Areason +7, ABC DEF +9, tentacle-man61 +17, 269pebt1 +2, kurtis -6, danixxx +30, dom4 -6, silverhand21 -5, Victor DoUrden +12, lukasquall -6, draconian196 +10, and 3 more...
Base +8, Sushilicious +28, Qbert +8, ABC DEF +9, tentacle-man61 +17, danixxx +30, dom4 +6, Draw99Gray +13, ExRumia +8, Dooderz -8
Posted on 06 September 2011, 21:20 by:
Qwertop Score
Base +3, RoyalGuard128 +7, Hibiki Yamada +6, ABC DEF +9, tentacle-man61 +17, no-name here +9, danixxx +30, scrappy135 +8, ilovethishit +2, Victor DoUrden +12, Draw99Gray +13, Nitramy +6, Dooderz +8
Posted on 07 September 2011, 15:16 by:
Scumlord Score
Base +1, ABC DEF +9, tentacle-man61 +17, danixxx +30, forvea +8, Victor DoUrden +12
Base +4, ABC DEF +9, thanos243 +3, anotherblackluver +5, tentacle-man61 +17, UltimateCP +6, danixxx +30, dom4 +6
Base +7, ABC DEF +9, dom4 +6, Dooderz -8
Posted on 05 January 2012, 02:21 by:
Null222 Score
Base +7, Andate +6, ABC DEF +9, danixxx +30, dom4 +6, Victor DoUrden +12