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{Lesya7}Peace in Konoha (ongoing) new page 9/7/11

Posted:2011-09-07 21:21
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File Size:1.59 MiB
Length:18 pages
Favorited:12 times
Average: 2.17
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

{Lesya7}Peace in Konoha (ongoing) new page 9/7/11, added 2011-09-08 00:41
{Lesya7}Peace in Konoha (ongoing) new page 10/20/11, added 2011-10-20 19:11

Showing 1 - 18 of 18 images

Posted on 07 September 2011, 21:21 by:   mikol    PM
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a western naruto comic by Lesya7
Posted on 24 August 2011, 01:39 by:   mambu    PM
Score +97
I thought this was a hentai doujin but I was wrong, and it's a Naru/Hina Sasu/Saku fan made I guess fans can dream those pairings are so dead in the actual manga.


Sorry to burst your bubble but Naru/Hina has been dead since the beginning. I suggest that you read the actual manga written by Massashi Kishimoto and not some fan made one.
Posted on 24 August 2011, 01:24 by:   mikol    PM
Score +60
naruhina isn't but the other one is
Posted on 24 August 2011, 08:57 by:   Nutt Man    PM
Score +12
Yeah....... These parings aren't gonna happen. If Naruto returned Hinata's feelings he would have by now but we found that he still loves Sakura after the Invasion of Pain arc. Sasuke has never had any romantic feelings for Sakura and has tried to kill her 3 times now. Naruto and Sakura however have mutal feelings for each other by how the manga depicts their feelings and actions towards each other.
Posted on 24 August 2011, 21:32 by:   Baseballbat boy    PM
Score -89
Posted on 08 September 2011, 05:15 by:   Vaporlocke    PM
Score +54
Naruto Shipping Wars. . .not even E-Hentai is immune!
Posted on 08 September 2011, 07:51 by:   lltnkwater    PM
Score -20
Actually neither is really dead... i don't really care who gets with who, and i wouldn't be too surprised if kishimoto never did any solid pairings sasuke has shown attachment to sakura in the past but he values his supposed revenge above everything else so until he is beaten, killed, or fixed he won't be anything but a shallow antagonist... sakura has yet to prove she has fully moved on, as showcased by her hesitation towards killing sasuke during their last meeting... the result of that meeting may have pushed her to finally giving up but she hasn't yet been given a chance to redeem herself and shown this to be true, not to mention there is a difference between giving up on the possibility of being with someone and having feelings for them... it's funny how people ignore that fact with sakura but point it out in naruto... it is correct that he has been shown to retain his feelings for sakura but in the same stroke has admitted that she still cares for sasuke and seems to have given up on her, and while it is true that he hasn't been shown to return hinata's feelings neither has he rejected them... he has been kept very busy since hinata's confession, so until he is given appropriate down time which may not happen for quite a while we can't know how that will play out... assuming kishimoto doesn't just have him forget about her confession which i wouldn't be surprised at... so in short, if you "read the actual manga written by Massashi Kishimoto and not some fan made one." you would realize that we cannot make any definite conclusions yet... kishimoto has proven himself far to wishy washy for that

tl;dr ignore this post, it is only my opinion and thus completely unimportant to you
Posted on 10 September 2011, 17:50 by:   Razza23    PM
Score +30
The thing about the Naruto that the SS/NH shippers ignore is his personality. Naruto wouldn't just sit back and be happy for his true love that she's finally won Sasuke's affection. He's not Hinata. Naruto doesn't give up. He would never be out of the game. Even when pursuing Sasuke for Sakura and for himself, he never gave up his dream of having Sakura. He just did what would make her happy, understanding her pain and wanting to relieve her of it. But he never stepped out of the race for her to say hes has given up is ridiculous. Also LLthnkWater This is Naruto's story NOT Hinatas he will surpass Jiraiya, and get the girl he always wanted. i mean thats what Kushina wanted for him in her last words. ''find someone like me''

I also like noting how Kishi chose to draw certain character reactions to the idea of opposing pairings. When Naruto saw Sakura embrace Sasuke in the hospital, and seeing her cry before he made the POAL, his reaction was hardly a positive one. The same goes for when Sakura realized Hinata was in love with Naruto. She wasn't happy that someone was in love with him, she seemed visibly upset by it. However, when Hinata saw Sakura hugging Naruto in chapter 450, she seemed happy to see the two of them together (and I do believe that was the point of her smile, since her reaction to Naruto's return was shown on the previous page, and Kishi made a point of drawing an "..." reaction bubble to seeing them together. so read the manga as it is in canon people.Also as Nutt Man said Sasuke never showed romantic feelings he loves her as a comrade and family of Team 7, he was and still is more interested in Naruto period. Plus with Sakuras confused feelings for Naruto you just know these to belong together.

Yeah. He definitely loves Sakura alot but he thinks he doesn't deserve her. He's thinking for her sake. To me that kind of love and thoughtfulness is much stronger and better than being determined to be Hokage and saving Sasuke. It shows that he is not selfish and would want Sakura be happy even if it doesn't involve him. And that is definitely why he deserves to be with her.

@ Crashpal

WTF? thats the ridiculious arguement ever it has no ground. NaruSaku doesn't have a sibling relationship it never has been protrayed as that .Naruto is IN LOVE with her.siblings don't ask each other on dates, ask each other how 'womanly' they look, or hug each other like Sakura did to Naruto after the Pein Invasion, feed him romantically, blush etc. all theses things are not Brother and Sister activity.

this is someting some people just made up to feel better. I never got it. You shouldn't need a reason to explain their relationship to secure your OTP. How are Naruto and Sakura like brother and sister? All sources say that Sakura's feelings for Naruto have her confused. If it was purely bro/sis, why would that happen? Naruto certainly doesn't view Sakura as a sister, unless you're a redneck.

to say they have a bro & sis relationship is denial at the fullest.

To be honest, I don't think it needs to happen at all. Hinata might be a fan-favorite, but a love rejection doesn't really seem like Kishi's style. The only sort of rejection I can see Naruto giving Hinata would be something along the lines of, "I'll never be to return your feelings." or "I'm in love with someone else", and that just feels sort of fan-ficish to me. From where I see it, Hinata's confession was a way to tie up a loose end on her character. If her confession warranted a response, I'm guessing it happened (or will happen) off-panel, or Hinata's reaction to Sakura's hug in 450 was enough to show us that Hinata already understands the bond the two share.

Lets not forget to mention of course that Naruto has never shown any indication to have any romantic interest in Hinata, nor has he even once thought of her confession. Even after 80+ chapters since Hinata's confession, Naruto has once again been reaffirmed to still love Sakura. Based on this alone (never mind countless other factors), NaruHina's chances are extremely unlikely.(same going with SasuSaku) obviously anything is possible in Kishi's manga, but given the lack of consistency and indications of either happening, I really wouldn't place my bets on them.At the very least there have been hints that Sakura's feelings for Naruto go beyond friendship. There hasn't been any such hints, especially in part 2, that Sasuke or Naruto's feelings for Sakura or Hinata respectively go beyond friendship.

Out of all the potential pairings, NaruSaku always has been the most likely to become canon given that it's the least one sided, and is the one pairing that Kishi has developed the most. Plus, it makes the most sense.
Posted on 10 September 2011, 08:29 by:   crashpal    PM
Score -30
@Nutt_Man That so called "mutual feelings" naruto and sakura have for each well that also applies to Naruto's relationships with Lee, Kiba, and Shikamaru. People still don't understand that Naruto and sakura have a brother-sister relationship. In brother-sister relationship there is care, respect, protection, responsibilaty, and a bit of love but that doesn't mean naruto and sakura are gonna become a pair. Naruto has so far treated Sakura like he has treated all the male characters. Naruto hasn't responded to Hinata yet so nothing can be said if NaruHina will or will not happen. If Naruto did like Sakura, at least he would've told Hinata that he will always have feeligns for sakura-chan but will still just be friends with Hinata. But like I said he hasn't responded yet. So these pairing wars gotta be put to a halt right now.
Posted on 20 October 2011, 20:40 by:   VincentCross    PM
Score +36
To lovey dovey. My penis didn't even budge.
Posted on 20 October 2011, 23:23 by:   Breathdeep    PM
Score +29
Im all like wut? when i read this.

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