This so-called "duplicate gallery" is anything but. For starters, this one has no "XHime" watermark. The two who have petitioned to expunge gave bogus reasoning, such as "dupe", and "This is a duplicate of /g/245383/9d01d0be77/ without the watermark.". Have these two ever read the RoE?
When I first came to this and glanced at the title and thumbs, I thought this was just an extraneous, even totally independent comic—a "Now for something completely different" sketch, even story, to put it in Monty Python terms, while the artist was deciding whether or not, or how, to reboot the Space Trek Fleet Wars series.
So I skipped it for later.
But coming back to it now . . . well, let's say the artist does an artful job of weaving it into the original storyline. Again, as a developing fiction writer myself, I am impressed. This is more than the usual erotic comic!