Base +12, lyserg317 -4, Firedon +6, no-name here +9, D u b b y +10, Sushilicious +28, jackj1909 +5, mugie +10, lawl1 +8, dogma +1, Katana +23, red13wizardX +1, happyaznboy +7, and 20 more...
Posted on 05 October 2011, 12:12 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, raflcaptar +9, no-name here +9, Sushilicious +28, ILiekFeet +7, Xakep +13, Fufununu +6, jackj1909 +5, VaryEx +6, Ashvinoth +1, lawl1 +8, dogma +1, Ensei Sohryu +9, and 58 more...
Posted on 05 October 2011, 12:43 by:
rr123 Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +28, dogma +1, Techwire +9, The Genius +1, Fenrirdies -6, Forgotten logic -9, jfragrettel +5, sir_gamer +5, FemaleHunter +5
Base +6, Sushilicious +28, jackj1909 +5, bergil -6, dogma +1, happyaznboy +7, Techwire +9, The Genius +1, pokgai +7, Fenrirdies -8, jfragrettel +5, FemaleHunter +5
Posted on 05 October 2011, 18:59 by:
Urmean15 Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +28, Fufununu +6, dogma +1, HitomiAgada +7, red13wizardX +1, morrandir +9, happyaznboy +7, Techwire +9, ahegaoftw +1, The Genius +1, pokgai +7, Fenrirdies -8, and 9 more...
Posted on 05 October 2011, 19:17 by:
airhead Score
Base +12, Sushilicious +28, dogma +1, happyaznboy +7, Techwire +9, The Genius +1, pokgai +7, Fenrirdies -8, jfragrettel +5, sir_gamer +5, El Monsieur +6, Ultima Dragon +11
Base +9, Koropokuru +9, dogma +1, Satyre +8, Techwire +9, the phantom limb +6, Dikastes +8, 151132 +8, Dycraxis +7, Forgotten logic +9, popcorn99 +6, Fenrirdies -8, wheeljack2187 +9, and 12 more...
Posted on 06 October 2011, 15:28 by:
hwilliams Score
Base +7, dogma +1, dementio +5, happyaznboy +7, Techwire +9, Fenrirdies -8, jfragrettel +5, Moonlight Rambler +6, El Monsieur +6, Ultima Dragon +11, SatuOnDrugs +6, PhillipOliverfields +6
Posted on 07 October 2011, 08:01 by:
LaviRoux Score
Base +7, dogma +1, FakeFx -8, Der Fuhrer -7, PhillipOliverfields +6, Redstar1357 -5, comebasura -6, xaelath +6
Base +4, dogma +1, Techwire +9, theinvisibleman +6, Fenrirdies -6, Forgotten logic -9, jfragrettel +5, Moonlight Rambler +6
Posted on 14 October 2011, 16:32 by:
errata Score
Base +7, red13wizardX +1, Techwire +9, Fenrirdies -8, LemonpopSickle +1, jfragrettel +5
Base +9, Fenrirdies -8, wheeljack2187 +9, Desuw +3, jfragrettel +5, Soldier A +5, D u b b y +9, PhillipOliverfields +6, AshLockke +6
Base +8, Fenrirdies -8, iamboiambo +9, jfragrettel +5, El Monsieur +6, Jago Smith +6, PhillipOliverfields +6, AshLockke +6
Base +5, jfragrettel +5, Sucker4Boobs +6, PhillipOliverfields +6
Posted on 01 August 2016, 05:04 by:
d3112 Score
Base +8, conveyer1488 +6