Base +1, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, ThanatosNebula76 +8, ddwiki +22, S3xta_Espada -1, Sushilicious +28, Hentai2Go +7, soroav +1, HabaneroJim +11, blagblag +6, lawl1 +8, ossim2371 +4, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, and 17 more...
Base +8, S3xta_Espada +1, Sushilicious +28, blackguardian +6, spirited away +7, HabaneroJim +11, Lockerz1 +1, SupermanikSol +1, achiyugo +10, Dimano +6, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, ossim2371 +4, danixxx +30, and 3 more...
Base +9, S3xta_Espada +1, mkjustice +8, Darkhole +8, Sushilicious +28, Hentai2Go +7, deuce22 -9, blackguardian +6, Nights002 +3, Blazephlozard -7, spirited away -7, equinoxxxnx +5, Kayra +8, and 32 more...
Posted on 11 October 2011, 13:59 by:
Rengaku Score
Base +8, S3xta_Espada +1, kam182 -4, Sushilicious +28, blackguardian -6, Nights002 -3, spirited away +7, soroav -1, HabaneroJim -11, Kelvren -9, NoNameNoBlame +27, Kenichi02 -1, Kenzaki Kazuma -11, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 October 2011, 17:12 by:
Luzomes Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +28, Nights002 +3, HabaneroJim +11, achiyugo -10, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, RakShine +9, CritiicalMass +3, belxebu +9, danixxx +30, JRockefeller +8, Tager +8, weslderf222 +8, and 4 more...
Posted on 11 October 2011, 18:21 by:
Dark Mac Score
Base +11, Kenyenzie -6, Sushilicious +28, Hentai2Go +7, Randomguy664 -9, blackguardian +6, Nights002 +3, spirited away -7, soroav +1, HabaneroJim +11, Kelvren +9, Lockerz1 +1, SupermanikSol +1, and 20 more...
Posted on 12 October 2011, 01:04 by:
Cadavrus Score
Base +4, Nights002 +3, Advante +8, spirited away -8, minin7 -8, FANGALICIOUS +6, jfragrettel +5
Base +3, Randomguy664 -9, blackguardian +6, Nights002 +3, spirited away -7, soroav +1, gabrielbr1 -6, equinoxxxnx +5, edson -12, Dateless -7, HabaneroJim +11, NoNameNoBlame -27, achiyugo +10, and 6 more...
Base +10, NoNameNoBlame -27, Kenichi02 +1, achiyugo -10, miroku888 -7, HonorableShogun -7
Base +10, gabrielbr1 -6, HabaneroJim -11, Randomguy664 -9, NoNameNoBlame -27, Chaoz9 -9
Base +1, achiyugo +10, purplemist -7, minin7 +8, jeren_sky +12, Sebbafan +10, Maximum_Joe +55, jfragrettel +5, Bfodler -27, Feftak +22
Base +8, guy11 +8, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, Advante +8, danixxx +30, Tager +8, jeren_sky +12, FATE1122 +6, jfragrettel +5, Dima979 +5
Base +3, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, belxebu -9, spirited away +8, minin7 -8, Delvan -6, weslderf222 -8, InnerCookie +8, Sebbafan -7, qrsWtuv -8, Bfodler +27
Posted on 02 January 2012, 05:48 by:
Pandion Score
Base +3, jeren_sky +12, jfragrettel +5, Rilu +6
Posted on 22 January 2012, 14:29 by:
moebag Score
Base +7, belxebu -9, weslderf222 -8, UnknowDestroyer -7, qrsWtuv -8, Bfodler +27, Feftak -22
Base +3, Xcelcio -7, weslderf222 -8, Bfodler +27
Posted on 09 April 2012, 03:51 by:
zackdx Score
Base +6, spirited away -8, minin7 +9, Maximum_Joe -55, Chaoz9 -9, Feftak +22
Posted on 02 August 2012, 01:25 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +10, SurviveDragon +5, jeren_sky +12, jfragrettel +5, Dima979 +5, TheClemenable +7, damnspams +6
Posted on 14 December 2012, 07:24 by:
Master M Score
Base +8, jfragrettel +5, Sebbafan -7, damnspams +6, Bfodler -27