Here we go. this is the work of Mess1ah that i have collected. Not a lot, but i don't see much on here. I decided to add to the fun. Hope you enjoy it as much as i do. Kinda enjoying downloading all these years of collecting.
Requests? make me search the 100 plus gb of images...winter is coming.
i know this is a small gallery. I am pondering doing multiple artists that i have small collections of, and keeping single collections for 50+ images.Opinions?
More this way:
Regarding your question. Don't put together random images, get some images that fit together (same artist, character, style or fetish). I'd say for a collection of images like this, you should get together at least 40 of good quality. 100 to 200 is good, but don't make it too big. And look at what you upload. That'll probably do it :)