Posted on 24 October 2011, 21:01 by:
Kudowafu Base +6, pixels -10, eddgino +6, Dividedbyzero +8, Kuro Neko +20, rawros -7, observer1980 +16, Palaxius +7, Kralj -9, avelqual +6, GhostStalker -7, Boneriffic -17, Gui Cogo +20, and 1 more...
Posted on 25 October 2011, 05:46 by:
Axl666 Score
Base +9, WanderingEye +9, bagiaaa +6, Ren Ichimoku +11, Sereaphim +8, spirited away -7, eddgino -6, Dividedbyzero -8, Kuro Neko -20, rawros +7, Sancho_Panza +10, atlascranga +3, komander +6, and 27 more...
Base +5, atlascranga +3, observer1980 +16, shaggy88 +8, Palaxius -20, TheOldDeus +3, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Posted on 25 October 2011, 06:30 by:
retrox Score
Base +2, eddgino +6, Dividedbyzero +8, Kuro Neko -20, rawros +7, observer1980 +16, Palaxius +7, Kralj -9, GhostStalker -7, Gui Cogo +20, TheOldDeus +3
Posted on 25 October 2011, 07:43 by:
DAPL Score
Base +8, observer1980 +16, TheOldDeus +3
Posted on 25 October 2011, 08:23 by:
VaneSSa2 Score
Base +7, Dividedbyzero -8, Kuro Neko -20, rawros +7, Kenkimaru -7, atlascranga +3, ReverieM +9, Tengurider -7, bateman +5, firewizard101 +1, Vaeasrk +7, snakenbacon -6, Bananawallpaper +5, and 10 more...
Posted on 25 October 2011, 12:14 by:
sike69 Score
Base +1, eddgino +6, Kuro Neko +20, rawros -7, Kenkimaru +7, Palaxius +6, Tengurider +7, levard +8, Cumsprite +20, McPandion +2, forvea +6, observer1980 +16, Ensei Sohryu +9, and 7 more...
Posted on 10 December 2011, 09:26 by:
dap00 Score
Base +25, Kralj -9, Palaxius -20, S.D-kun +6, Gui Cogo +20, TheOldDeus +3, Violentin +10
Last edited on 12 July 2018, 01:45.
Base +7, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +7, MelmothTheWanderer +33