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Yukkuri - Nighttime Nest Invasion

Posted:2011-11-12 13:11
File Size:1.82 MiB
Length:5 pages
Favorited:16 times
Average: 2.98

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Posted on 12 November 2011, 13:11 by:   Paz Legalces    PM
Uploader Comment
Imagine if someone go into your house at night and slaughter all your infants, that would be horrible, wouldn't it?
So if you imagining it as instead of a person raiding a bird nest, then the image would be less disturbing, would it?
If we took one extra step and make it as an image of a person raiding an ant nest, then it would be almost normal wouldn't it.
Why is that? Is it because human got more intelligent that they deserves more sympathy?
Then why would you have to concern about a bunch creatures that is depicted as lower intelligent life form? All life isn't equal after all according to the above logic, isn't that right? This is about as normal as hobbies like hunting or fishing where the animals are killed for amusement. Afterall, they got lower intelligent anyway... Does the fact that those yukkuri speak a language that we can understand changes facts that much? Does that mean foreigner whose languages we don't understand deserves less sympathy? No! Yukkuri is just about as smart as any animal, so they deserve the same treatments!
-A Yukkuri abuser's view-
Uploader's note:
Well, anyway, this got to be my least favourite Kiriraitaa work
Unlike his other work like Shell Marisa (which I loved), this piece's Aesop is just hidden quite tricky by the guro
Posted on 12 November 2011, 13:26 by:   rynercall    PM
Score -100
you sir just enlightenment me
Posted on 12 November 2011, 13:49 by:   z666ful    PM
Score -66
i would do same thing to that thing -_-...
Posted on 12 November 2011, 18:02 by:   Biladsan    PM
Score +121
And you are from mine point of view-lower being,a mongrel.
Should I put you down like a rabid dog because of that?
don't try to justify your logic,killing things for "fun" isn't fun-it's sickness
Posted on 12 November 2011, 18:56 by:   inugamikun    PM
Score +184
Actually, the point of the opening paragraph is rather moot.

ANYONE who tortures an animal for amusement is sick.
Posted on 12 November 2011, 21:20 by:   Goatass    PM
Score +2
Nothing i love more than Yukkuri lovers tears
Posted on 12 November 2011, 23:36 by:   Haborym    PM
Score +72
Posted on 13 November 2011, 00:46 by:   Paz Legalces    PM
Score +45
Notice how the paragraph and the uploader's (me) note is separate
the point of the paragraph was "you human are no better than us abuser, you criticize us, but yet effectively doing the same things anyway" written in a yukkuri abuser's perspective (not MY OWN perspective)
The paragraph was for the reader to realize that they are not different from those depicted abusers. Thinking those abusers are "sick fuck" is just plain hypocritical. Change yourself first before criticizing others
Posted on 13 November 2011, 04:16 by:   SparktehFox    PM
Score +160
There's a difference in hunting/killing for fun and hunting/killing for survival. When you sit there a abuse a living creature for sheer lack of entertainment, you are sick in the head and need treatment immediately. But there are people who either do not have the nerve to do such things, find it disturbing but would do it IF NEED BE, and those who do it as a way of life. To survive. There is very little merit in killing a yukkuri unless you plan on eating them due to starvation, and then you wouldn't need to brutally assault them.
Posted on 14 November 2011, 21:01 by:   jzohach    PM
Score -100
Let's not forget, this is a COMIC BOOK ABOUT GIANT ASEXUALLY REPRODUCING DISEMBODIED HEADS. No actual Yukkuri were harmed in the making of this manga.

Take it easy.
Posted on 18 November 2011, 15:18 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +94
I think the biggest difference between killing an animal and the things depicted above is sentience. They could think, and talk, and shown obvious intellect, which would place them at a near human level of being. Where as a cow can never see itself as a cow, or anything other than what it is, it can not hope, dream or aspire to do anything more than live. This is the difference between sentient and non-sentient beings.
Posted on 23 November 2011, 13:01 by:   Hilek    PM
Score +35
You probably shouldn't tell that to him but your local hunting or fishing club.
Posted on 16 January 2012, 04:59 by:   Narutu sand ninja    PM
Score -19
Well fuck you goatass, fuck you!
Posted on 18 July 2012, 02:26 by:   hhhhhhhhyhyhyhy    PM
Score +18
disgusting ............
Posted on 25 October 2012, 05:19 by:   omuraisu    PM
Score +3
Posted on 12 December 2013, 00:25 by:   DDRmails    PM
Score -32
wait, what? there show just 3 kills
Posted on 04 February 2014, 21:02 by:   Inconspicuous user    PM
Score -32
What the hell are you whitenighting people expecting? this was delicious.
Posted on 08 March 2014, 03:09 by:   Forestman    PM
Score -73
I don't think people understand that these are made for neets to vent some frustration, it's always a story about someone torturing a family, probably because he will never get one of his own and harbor others who do, also hating on mentally challenged people and kids, things that are stupid and need protection. All this manga do is take it to the extreme, I don't think this has anything to do with animal torture though I could see some twisted mind being able to make the link.

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