The original name for this work is "お姉ちゃんには逆らえない" or "I can not go against my sister" and the authors name is "門田一世"
In addition, this particular piece was in "漫画ホットミルク" or Manga Hotmilk. It appears that it was in a 2000-01 release of it. The search narrows, but it shall continue
I give this information in hopes someone can some day find the raws and more of this mans work
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I'm making another update from my previous March 13, 2020 update because this keeps coming up in my mind.
Still nothing yet, but other leads to point out at the very least is the cover of the anthology it came from. There's a nice website that I don't know if I ever found it before that has at least a listing of many anthologies like these and all that.
To a previous question though regarding any other works from Issei Kadota, he has one other one listed in the 1998-6 issue of Hotmilk. It's name was "天国に近い場所" and I don't know if it's ever been posted.