Posted on 27 November 2011, 19:13 by:
Kizlan Posted on 27 November 2011, 20:30 by:
Sovann Score
Base +1, Ejastik +5, guy11 +8, Leo Showtopper +8, XxDroidxX +3, gillbates +2, zomfgmikeftw +9, destructorspace +11, marc455 +8, Toot Oriole +7, raptor54321 +6, Areason -8, InsaneCheese +8, and 34 more...
Base +7, XxDroidxX +3, zomfgmikeftw +9, BlickWinkel +8, destructorspace +11, Moe Zayik +25, jeren_sky +4, xxaimlessxx +12, Insectdevil +2, Numinor +17, danixxx +30, Atmoz +4, ClariNerd +14, and 6 more...
Base +5, XxDroidxX +3, zomfgmikeftw +9, BlickWinkel +8, destructorspace +11, InsaneCheese +8, cAntW0 +6, Moe Zayik +25, elda88 +11, eyelezz +8, jeren_sky +4, afrowolf +5, xxaimlessxx +12, and 12 more...
Base +2, XxDroidxX +3, zomfgmikeftw +9, Moe Zayik +25, jeren_sky +4, afrowolf +5, Insectdevil +2, danixxx +30, ClariNerd +14, kymai +10
Posted on 30 November 2011, 13:19 by:
Edax Score
Base +5, elda88 +11, fatjoe400 +8, jeren_sky +4, afrowolf +5, Insectdevil +2, sigma25 +3, Numinor +17, popcorn99 +4, animeto +12, StonedGamer +6, Katsura Masakazu +7
Base +8, Numinor +17, c0py +6
Base +6, ClariNerd -14, c0py +6, Beane -10, boxybrownyo +6, undefinedghost -6, hojii -3, Jmsrthrfrd -4
Base +6, Geistermeister +11