If anybody's interested I have the full game on my HD. It seems like this one's the hardest to get these days, lots of dead links and taken down filesharing sites.
@zhiipezo: I have the 1.00 too but the 2.1 "plus" story was bought from Dlsite and thus is protected from sharing. You're not losing much though, it's very very short with about 3 CGI and not much else.
@Mant I guess this is a hard necro, but seeing you are still active on here -and thanks for providing things btw!-, I guessed it wouldn't hurt to ask if by chance you were to (still) have the game?
Somehow managed to hunt down v1.00, but being version-anal (?? lol), and seeing there is a v2.1 from 2016/02/13, I decided to try my luck. ------- EDIT: Thanks for the reply, Mant! If mostly it is 'Roku Plus' the update entails, then indeed, not missing out on much. So v1.00 it is! Bests!