Posted on 14 January 2012, 19:36 by:
Ayano Base +7, Nights002 +3, jaylou1010 +7, bsn10911 -8, Ahsab -11, truefire -6, Asariborn -7, Korasoff -6, crazymagic -10, miner603 -10, Denjiro -9, Vivi1993 -10, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, and 2 more...
Base +12, Nights002 +3, poep +7, NoNameNoBlame +27, Ashvinoth +6, jaylou1010 +7, bsn10911 +8, Ahsab +11, Asariborn +7, AnimeFanatic +10, ABC DEF +10, deadbreakr +1, Xerodusk +10, and 7 more...
Posted on 18 November 2011, 00:16 by:
Masterbot Score
Base +8, Blitzzen +4, wtf616 +5, celon_monglend +7, Lapskaus +8, Wattson +9, raflcaptar +9, Nights002 +3, MasterOrinoko +5, rabidalien +7, tahk +8, Lizardo +7, PDuo +5, and 140 more...
Posted on 18 November 2011, 01:07 by:
nabusco Score
Base +6, Nights002 +3, shrike13 -6, abeld +4, Lev7 -9, Raging +5, southrim -20, fofoto +6, crazymagic -10, miner603 +10, Xerodusk -10, Denjiro -9, Vivi1993 -10, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 November 2011, 07:17 by:
Ayano Score
Base +9, HabaneroJim +12, Kelsero +9, Asariborn +7, AnimeFanatic +10, ABC DEF +10, sentareis +4, Leo William +2, Vapveur1 +7, Moonlight Rambler +18, carjua +8
Base +4, Rawr1336 +1, Nights002 +4, HabaneroJim +12, AnimeFanatic +10, ABC DEF +10, sentareis +4, Leo William +2
Base +9, Nights002 +4, jaylou1010 +7, Ahsab -11, ABC DEF +10, Leo William +2
Base +9, Ahsab +11, AnimeFanatic +10, ABC DEF +10, sleegleheeble21 +5, Xerodusk +10, sentareis +4, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, Leo William +2
Posted on 15 January 2012, 03:57 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, ABC DEF +10, Leo William +2
Base +6, ABC DEF +10, miner603 +10, Xerodusk +10, asdfnig +6, Leo William +2
Posted on 15 January 2012, 22:50 by:
chaos-ad Score
Base +7, ABC DEF +10, Brandon N. Matias +6
Posted on 01 February 2012, 07:34 by:
wiibox Score
Base +8, ABC DEF +10, Vivi1993 -10, Tamaki-Kousaka -8, Moonlight Rambler -18
Base +9, miner603 -10, Xerodusk -10, Brandon N. Matias +6, Denjiro +9