Posted on 16 January 2012, 05:11 by:
Yoroshii Base +7, silent7 +11, destructorspace +11, ioctl +9, Yoroshii +13, Kenzaki Kazuma +11, Palaxius +7, deiosme +7, wertweet +8, tropicsnow +9, Xlrus +5, honry +8, neoshingundam -8, and 24 more...
Base +5, Nights002 +4, destructorspace +11, Yoroshii +13, MB007 +9, Sancho_Panza +13, wertweet +8, riku13 +3, observer1980 +19, snakenbacon +7, Enki17 +11, KumagawaM +5, bigscuba +3, and 2 more...
Base +8, Nights002 +4, destructorspace +11, Yoroshii +13, marc455 +8, MB007 +9, Sancho_Panza +13, theanticool +4, observer1980 +19, dolphinslow +17, Onthorm +7, bogox94 +4, jsnormandy +8, and 4 more...
Base +6, saduj -6, irage88 -3, DefteraMT -4, jeren_sky +5, truefire -6, observer1980 +19, Slyder +7, Paizurikin +8, tocaia -6, jsnormandy +8, kariocean -10, bigscuba +3, and 3 more...
Base +5, Originality +5, observer1980 +19, Malethy +9, Urmean15 +9, snakenbacon +7, cfillion +4, dolphinslow +17, Marisa Kirisame +6, SapphireJack +6, jsnormandy +8, bigscuba +3, PinguPrin +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 19 January 2012, 06:54 by:
Zeph101 Score
Base +6, observer1980 +19, Paizurikin -8, J99814 +16, kariocean +10
Posted on 27 January 2015, 16:13 by:
lemeres Score
Base +7
Base +6, bigscuba +3, ‗‗_ +6, MechWarriorNY +10
Base +6, PregnantWhoreFucker +6