After the marvelous Magnus Opus that had been Onani Master Kurosawa, the author (Ise Katsura) provided us this continuation. It takes place 2 years after the original manga. Unfortunately, it is a written only piece, however, it still is highly enjoyable, even if not in a common manga form.
Even though I knew of this prior to its being posted here, I still never imagined that this story would get a follow up; and I certainly never expected it to be posted here like this. Well I suppose this eliminates any excuse I have for not reading it. Will rate afterwords.
To those who haven't read the original I cannot recommend it strongly enough. It contains depth and quality of writing rarely if ever seen in manga. The art is rather good too. It takes on subject matter in a tone that is at times comedically unique but often serious. The writer deftly provoked both emotional reaction and thought in readers that manga rarely elicits, especially in the current era of cut and paste stories with shallow plots and interchangable characters.