Posted on 25 January 2012, 02:50 by:
darknight Posted on 25 January 2012, 03:16 by:
sekirei07 Score
Base +25, Bonekrusher +10, benana1 +2, grumpymal +29, fuckMastah +5, NailB +16, Hell_Butterfly +8, nutler +7, Silar +7, Nydis +5, XxDroidxX +4, workingovertime +8, Sushilicious +31, and 205 more...
Base +4, Kasuchi +6, aznxwuy +8, carl johnson +9, ttdestroy +8, benana1 -2, RampageSS +8, Ankoku Daishogun +7, Hell_Butterfly +8, Silar +7, Kiriax +10, blagblag +7, XxDroidxX +4, and 248 more...
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, Generika +7, danixxx +31, Captian Katsura -6, Rockington +6, Mister Guest +7, Gobbal +1, gath875 -7, yukkurikeeper +6, Deathglass -6, Zoinks +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 04:10 by:
Kelsero Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +31, Velcrostraps +10, runnerman +3, danixxx +31, Captian Katsura +6, Voldoxdp +7, eheheh +8, sable1 +12, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, ESamb +6, RARmaster +6, and 29 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 05:16 by:
dap00 Score
Base +26, grumpymal +29, Hell_Butterfly +8, Kiriax +10, blagblag +7, XxDroidxX +4, Sushilicious +31, Kanti-kunj +7, DokiDokiDoki +16, happyaznboy +7, eyelezz +9, flashpanty +8, X-Ura +9, and 57 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 05:49 by:
Pandion Score
Base +3, kami_yami +6, amt +7, benana1 +2, vitono +7, RampageSS +8, mugen_darkness +8, forsakenfool +5, grumpymal +29, DXHatakeKakashi +5, Ensei Sohryu +9, thaluka +6, RAGE1 +14, and 919 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 06:24 by:
lowlevel Score
Base +8, CasualT +8, Hell_Butterfly +8, Chickenlegs +6, PhantomRenegade +10, XxDroidxX +4, Sushilicious +31, Krayben +7, DokiDokiDoki +16, deadsx +7, happyaznboy +7, eyelezz +9, onelostchicken +8, and 155 more...
Base +8, Spiked Toy +6, Hell_Butterfly +8, hjhj210 +11, Sushilicious +31, happyaznboy +7, eyelezz +9, kozaim +5, Kuroagehachou +4, IvanZ +2, Tyrock -4, dakight +8, death blades +8, and 41 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 07:56 by:
thedemons Score
Base +8, grumpymal +29, Spiked Toy +6, Hell_Butterfly +8, Kiriax +10, XxDroidxX +4, Sushilicious +31, Krayben +7, Kanti-kunj +7, RoyalGuard128 +9, eyelezz +9, faytT +7, rafas94 +4, and 76 more...
Base +8, HabaneroJim +12, Hell_Butterfly +8, Sushilicious +31, XHakuX +13, danixxx +30, runnerman -3, Zaolao +7, Ryuu_Style +9, AvatarCJ +7, Baphomet669 +12, MANTOR562 +8, Captian Katsura -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 11:18 by:
Mangiff Score
Base +5, HabaneroJim -12, Thanks +7, Kiriax +10, Sushilicious +31, KaTIOWa +6, Captian Katsura -6, Paptimus Scirocco -6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, BMXArena -15, IronBridge +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 12:36 by:
Toushin Score
Base +19, Hell_Butterfly +8, blagblag +7, Sushilicious +31, eyelezz +9, Demosthenes +11, iownyoualot -6, Meowmux +9, danixxx +30, Eolz +7, runnerman +3, Zaolao +7, Ryuu_Style +9, and 25 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 13:15 by:
Mx4_1204 Score
Base +5, Ankoku Daishogun +7, Sushilicious +31, runnerman -3, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, IronBridge +6
Posted on 25 January 2012, 13:58 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, HabaneroJim +12, Hell_Butterfly +8, Sushilicious +31, happyaznboy +7, eyelezz +9, faytT +7, kozaim +5, anymon -10, death blades +8, nww +5, MetalvikingOfChaos +7, Meowmux +9, and 36 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 23:42 by:
Jakira Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, grumpymal +30, danixxx +31, Captian Katsura +6, Voldoxdp +7, eheheh +8, Hachura +9, MD98 +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, Draw99Gray +13, and 7 more...
Posted on 08 July 2012, 19:13 by:
Andate Score
Base +6, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, Generika +7, grumpymal +30, danixxx +31, Slobber -29, Captian Katsura -6, Pac2000 +8, eheheh +8, Paptimus Scirocco -6, timbus -12, 1349-Kun +7, and 8 more...
Base +3, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, Captian Katsura -6, KaTIOWa +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, LeCatt +6, ridwee +6, JumpingJellybeans +6
Posted on 26 January 2012, 15:00 by:
theblad Score
Base +12, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, grumpymal +30, danixxx +31, nww +7, eheheh +8, silentspring +8, ridwee +6, TheHazard +5, BMXArena +15, Porokichin66 +8
Base +5, Sushilicious +31, runnerman +3, KaTIOWa +6, Captian Katsura -6, Trundle -8, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, LeCatt +6, ridwee +6, OJC +6, ppww36 -6, somercet +12
Posted on 27 January 2012, 20:29 by:
Wizzo Score
Base +9, Sushilicious +31, Maximum_Joe -34, Chinro +6, KaTIOWa +6, Huy +6, ALAKTORN +6, silentspring +8, ridwee +6
Base +3, Velcrostraps +10, runnerman +3, Sushilicious +31, grumpymal +30, danixxx +31, GoldenFire +6, Captian Katsura +6, poopyface +6, eheheh +8, Huy +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, and 9 more...
Base +6, Velcrostraps +10, runnerman +3, Sushilicious +31, grumpymal +30, danixxx +31, Captian Katsura +6, ScarredBushido +6, nww +7, deneuve +6, eheheh +8, hentaifreak11 +7, Huy +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 08 March 2012, 21:35 by:
yakuku Score
Base +7, Sushilicious +31, silentspring +8, ridwee +6, Theb9a -1
Posted on 09 April 2012, 07:44 by:
Gogeth Score
Base +5, Adams32 +6, CannedOldMan +7, Sushilicious +31, Captian Katsura -6, hentaifreak11 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6
Base +10, Sushilicious +31, Captian Katsura -6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, Lurker31 +2, xydler +6
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, KaTIOWa +6, Captian Katsura -6, tiggerine +2, Paptimus Scirocco +6, thestrongest9 +8, necrosis527 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, Lurker31 +2, yunnch +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Sushilicious +31, MD98 +6, necrosis527 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, LeCatt +6, ridwee +6, Lurker31 +2, Bulopu +15
Posted on 25 June 2012, 19:01 by:
lwllw Score
Base +6, Sushilicious +31, Captian Katsura -6, Pac2000 +8, Hazama655 +6, poopyface +6, eheheh +8, hentaifreak11 +7, reziak +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, LeCatt +6, ridwee +6, and 4 more...
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, KaTIOWa +6, Captian Katsura -6, tiggerine +2, Grimmomega +6, Diagonal001 -3, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, Lurker31 +2, Bulopu -15, ppww36 -6
Posted on 30 July 2012, 04:10 by:
Reach Score
Base +7, grumpymal +30, Sushilicious +31, danixxx +31, KaTIOWa +6, Slobber +29, WhiteMint +4, byehi +5, Azura Meta +6, Captian Katsura +6, eheheh +8, kevinnnnnnnnnn +6, hentaifreak11 +7, and 29 more...
Base +6, zedyue -14, Captian Katsura -6, KaTIOWa +6, Azura Meta +6, Raidou7 +8, Ultima149 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, OJC +6, Lurker31 +2, Bulopu +15
Base +7, Chinro +6, Captian Katsura -6, KaTIOWa +6, globits +5, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6
Posted on 25 November 2012, 12:25 by:
chanzy Score
Base +7, Captian Katsura +6, KaTIOWa +6, HentaiDetective -1, Azura Meta +6, hakkai999 +6, necrosis527 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, OJC +6, Bulopu +15
Base +24, hakkai999 +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6
Posted on 03 May 2013, 05:02 by:
g@metime Score
Base +6, 1349-Kun +7, CyberZero +9, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, Bulopu +15
Base +5, xXMiroXx +1, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, OJC +6, BMXArena +15
Base +5, lostseraph7 +7, MD98 +6, necrosis527 +7, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, TheHazard +5, SR500 +7
Posted on 14 August 2013, 12:14 by:
TheMarine Score
Base +10, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6
Posted on 12 November 2013, 07:20 by:
IHavoc Score
Base +6, Bob the Barker +5, Implicator +6, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, IronBridge +5, Glassfragment +6, Hiltrax +7, Mr.Sixty Minute Man +6
Base +6, CrymsonEyE +2, hakkai999 +6, Happosai.sama +5, Rubyfruit Pixie +6, duhuhuhu +5, b1ge11 +1, bachelorettefrog +2, Ost666 +5, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, Draw99Gray +13, ridwee +6, and 2 more...
Base +23, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, TheHazard +5, NovaSiva +6
Posted on 02 November 2015, 23:26 by:
Westing Score
Base +3, silentspring +8, ZDU +7, ridwee +6, SomeDumbPervert +5, JumpingJellybeans +6
Posted on 28 February 2016, 14:47 by:
MAT_2016 Score
Base +1, silentspring +8, ridwee +6, Bulopu +15
Base +7, ridwee +6, JumpingJellybeans +6, draconian196 +11
Posted on 24 July 2017, 09:59 by:
Minina Score
Base +10, ChaoticHound11 -5, SomeDumbPervert +5, somercet +12
Base +8, Tac_Nayn +8, sdodfopsdf +7, SomeDumbPervert +5, kirbylogo +9, Theu +6, mentosftw +6, GK_GAMES +7
Posted on 15 April 2019, 16:43 by:
chebuoi Score
Base +11, SomeDumbPervert +5
Base +6, weskerfine -6, Elgatto12345 -6, kirbylogo -9, Ku~Klux~chan -6, Mr.Sixty Minute Man -6, absolugom -7, Theu -6, Simplechimp -7, wilsoncoo -6, arkantos22 -6, Apocrites +6, GK_GAMES -7, and 1 more...
Base +9, Aside +6, Not_Levi_Ackerman +5