Base +9, Salsk +7, Fleegman +8, Sushilicious +31, Zero Angel +35, Drag00noid +9, lowlevel +8, DragonCall +7, Picksbro +6, Zatrilecux +2, jaylou1010 +7, Eldgrim +8, Insectdevil +2, and 35 more...
Posted on 25 January 2012, 22:27 by:
saturosss Score
Base +8, Sushilicious +31, jaylou1010 +7, Insectdevil +2, Numinor +16, Whitu Piggu +7, DarkFire493 +6
Base +2, Insectdevil +2, Numinor +16, ryu kadama +3, scrappy135 +9, HentaiM@ster +9, Marisa Kirisame +7, Whitu Piggu +7
Posted on 26 January 2012, 00:07 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +6, Yossarian762 -6, DefteraMT -4, BlickWinkel -8, Insectdevil -2, Numinor -16, Pandion +5, XDRice -6, Marisa Kirisame -7, youngguy0018 -6, MARC0 -6
Posted on 26 January 2012, 00:30 by:
Urmean15 Score
Base +9, BlickWinkel +8, Insectdevil +2, KaInEvIL +8, Numinor +16, ryu kadama +3, geromy +7, HentaiM@ster +9, Marisa Kirisame +7, Whitu Piggu +7
Posted on 26 January 2012, 05:00 by:
Andate Score
Base +6, Insectdevil +2, Numinor +16, ryu kadama +3, Maximum_Joe +31, MANTOR562 +8, HentaiM@ster +9, CPR +6, Hyoros +6, lolgay2 +8, Whitu Piggu +7
Posted on 26 January 2012, 07:08 by:
ikaki Score
Base +9, Chrystofax -10, Insectdevil -2, Numinor -16, Anime Janai +10, ryu kadama -3, olboiye -9, Pandion -5, Seiphied -6, XDRice -6, Marisa Kirisame -7, youngguy0018 -6
Posted on 27 January 2012, 21:48 by:
Coma Score
Base +14, Insectdevil +2, Numinor +16, hasanu +7, Maximum_Joe +31, MANTOR562 +8, Firedon +9, scrappy135 +9, S.D-kun +6, Neklin +9, Sentiment +7, HentaiM@ster +9, poirepomme +5, and 14 more...
Base +12, scrappy135 +9, HentaiM@ster +9, ThanatosNebula76 +8, Whitu Piggu +7, Nasciturus +6
Posted on 06 April 2013, 03:47 by:
Wilsoz Score
Base +8, Neklin -9, Kanuro5 +6, youngguy0018 -6, Evyy +6
Posted on 29 June 2013, 14:55 by:
Xergass Score
Base +2, HentaiM@ster +9, el_c +1, Kanuro5 +6, Gorm +6, ShadowJ +6, Whitu Piggu +7, DarkFire493 +6
Base +2, Wonko_the_Sane +6