Posted on 01 February 2012, 06:01 by:
yaoifan23 Score
Base +15, zaak2 +2, vitono +7, notmonk -5, hoobojeo +8, Kraz226 -8, sexyshades +9, ddubi -2, freakdudebob +7, White Joker -11, Pushy -1, *Kuroichigo* +4, kingwolf -22, and 6 more...
Posted on 02 February 2012, 03:16 by:
Nexev Score
Base +5, rabidalien +7, Kirowasu +4, MrStorm99 +6, Pushy -1, *Kuroichigo* +4, Boya +7, Enki17 +9, dackbutt -4, Xion Rabbit +2, bloodydeath666 +5, Fakeplastic -7, jaba01 -9, and 9 more...
Posted on 02 February 2012, 09:40 by:
findm Score
Base +8, Kirowasu +4, casurin +9, Pushy -1, Boya +7, maleh +12, masterfucker -7, dersied +8, Xion Rabbit +2, Paizurikin -9, lightningchaser -5, FutanariOverAnything +5, abrickhouse +2