Posted on 14 February 2012, 12:26 by:
lony Base +7, Schroedinger +7, NeBuR1997 +5, gurumao +14, Bunker Buster +20, Urmean15 +9, altereggo +17, danixxx +30, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, tracingthelines +8, hunter250 +7, james_stark -5, and 5 more...
Base +11, Schroedinger +7, NeBuR1997 +5, gurumao +14, Hitsuyou-H +18, Bunker Buster +20, Urmean15 +9, altereggo -17, danixxx +30, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, LordAshnard +4, pingas007 +7, and 6 more...
Posted on 14 February 2012, 14:23 by:
marc455 Score
Base +8, Schroedinger +7, NeBuR1997 +5, gurumao +14, Adrin +8, Bunker Buster +20, altereggo +17, danixxx +30, Sushilicious +31, animedeath13 +7, Dommol +3, LordAshnard +4, tracingthelines +8, and 7 more...
Base +28, Schroedinger +7, NeBuR1997 +5, gurumao +14, Ace-Angel -8, Hitsuyou-H +18, Dawnell_do +8, Bunker Buster +20, Urmean15 +9, danixxx +30, themasamune +10, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, and 8 more...
Base +8, NeBuR1997 +5, Ace-Angel +8, ZeroTag +7, Firedon +7, dasede +7, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, asdfmovies +5, LordAshnard +4, Tamaki-Kousaka +9, StrangeWolfe -8, Shinryu-Rex +3, and 4 more...
Base +9, Schroedinger +7, gurumao +14, Dawnell_do +8, Bunker Buster +20, jzohach +6, Urmean15 +9, altereggo +17, danixxx +30, Xelief +8, themasamune +10, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, and 14 more...
Base +7, altereggo +17, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, LordAshnard +4, StrangeWolfe +8, james_stark -5, JoeWolf +2, jfragrettel +8, Qwertius +16
Posted on 14 February 2012, 17:44 by:
Kex&Mjöl Score
Base +11, Schroedinger +7, altereggo +17, jebus pron +7, themasamune +10, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, LordAshnard +4, Hitsuyou-H +27, Toroid +8, Tamaki-Kousaka +9, Shinryu-Rex +3, Racoonzilla +3, and 6 more...
Posted on 15 February 2012, 20:18 by:
OX-11 Score
Base +7, Sushilicious +31, Dommol +3, StrangeWolfe -8, james_stark -5, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 19 June 2012, 03:26 by:
Andate Score
Base +9, LordAshnard +4, Dommol +5, StrangeWolfe -8, james_stark +5, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 21 July 2012, 06:02 by:
Geneva Score
Base +4, Dommol +5, StrangeWolfe -8, over4darkness -15, agezez +1, Irre7 +5, ayaaaaa -9, Seltzer -3, james_stark +5, sngsh -6, Hyoros -13, Fenrir_1 -7
Base +7, StrangeWolfe -8, new_guy +7, hobozombie -8, whasup +6, james_stark -5, Zolnerowich +7, jfragrettel +8, Fenrir_1 +7
Posted on 11 February 2013, 07:29 by:
The Cock Score
Base +7, altereggo +22, Bunker Buster +29, Honemi +8, agezez +1, Irre7 +5, rjmacx +6, Sheepie4 +5, lulsluls +7, shrö +6, KingLeonidas +6, Shinryu-Rex +3, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, and 10 more...
Base +14, james_stark -5, StrangeWolfe -7, jfragrettel +8, Hyoros +13
Posted on 29 January 2014, 04:03 by:
C h a n Score
Base +6, james_stark -5, StrangeWolfe -7, sngsh -6
Posted on 18 November 2015, 17:16 by:
jioper Score
Base +6, JoeWolf +2, jfragrettel +8, Hyoros -13, Fuckingweirdo +6