Base +2, axaxax +15, grumpymal +29, Shibun +9, truefire +6, Shanzenkou +7, Zero Angel +35, danixxx +30, jaylou1010 +7, Lancelot01 +6, airhead +13, Supermamado +7, S0B +15, and 6 more...
Base +7, Zero Angel +35, Lancelot01 +6, MechWarriorNY +7
Base +7, Ericon IX +6, Shanzenkou +7, Zero Angel +35, Maximum_Joe +26, danixxx +30, jaylou1010 +7, Lancelot01 +6, luppolo +13, loc0 +8, D1g1tal +6, Supermamado +7, S0B +15, and 9 more...
Base +6, saga -10, savaris +6, truefire -6, Shanzenkou -7, faytT -8, Karism -8, loc0 +8, oheye -10, S0B -15, smt nocturne -14
Base +8, Zero Angel +35, Lancelot01 +6, diego380 -5
Base +7, Lancelot01 +6, loc0 -8, D1g1tal -6, lostlegoman -12, Seiguld +7, bipface +5, Phacteria +6
Posted on 09 September 2012, 03:17 by:
blunt005 Score
Base +7, TomatoBrave +2
Posted on 20 May 2014, 03:34 by:
Hyoros Score
Base +5, Seiguld +7, TomatoBrave +2