Base +6, 6sic5 -7, tyguy +8, randoshizzle +4, Xianz +5, dogma +9, hen-toy +9
Posted on 13 March 2012, 08:32 by:
kalnaf Score
Base +10, Limited -8, Capi duffman +8, 188Kasrkin +6, undersizeskate -7, DarkSpooky +4, Couchcaboose +8, ssjhunterkiller -4, Prometheus +10, blubbbb +5, PervertM0nkey +8, mrweezyer +7, Maximum_Joe +26, and 48 more...
Posted on 13 March 2012, 09:30 by:
deviryuu Score
Base +8, Ombra88 +7, dogma +9
Posted on 13 March 2012, 10:28 by:
Biladsan Score
Base +10, Bobby Kotick +6, Maximum_Joe +26, AnimeLov3rxXx +9, danixxx +30, hydrocity +9, bassfu -7, dogma +9, green100 +6, Incest1234 +7, jkezer +10
Base +7, Meowhentai +4, Bobby Kotick +6, Maximum_Joe +26, AnimeLov3rxXx +9, Nymphette +7, danixxx +30, vafeuerstein +9, tyguy +8, hydrocity +9, Limited -8, F0RR +8, Xianz +5, and 12 more...
Base +10, Prometheus +10, Meowhentai +4, Bobby Kotick -6, tyguy +8, hydrocity +9, Limited +8, Xianz +5, bassfu -7, dogma +9, green100 +6, redronnet +5, Heets +4, and 1 more...
Base +7, mrweezyer -7, Bobby Kotick -6, Maximum_Joe -26, danixxx -30
Base +4, Maximum_Joe -26, danixxx -30
Base +12, Bobby Kotick +6, Ombra88 +7, danixxx +30, tyguy +8, hydrocity +9, Limited -8, bassfu -7, dogma +9, green100 +6, Heets +4
Base +6, tyguy +8, dogma +9, heavenkiller +8, bearaf +5, hen-toy +9
Base +3, bassfu -7, green100 -6, RainXD +7, jkezer -10, scarlet_grimangel -6
Posted on 26 March 2012, 13:08 by:
mjuytfc Score
Base +2, Heets +4
Base +5, redronnet +5, Heets +4, jkezer +10
Base +11, redronnet +5, Heets +4, jkezer +10